The Catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in
Trinity, and Trinity in Unity
There are may be some
brave souls who sincerely hope that the preacher on Trinity Sunday will be able
at last to explain that great enigma of the Christian religion, the doctrine of
the Trinity. Many more likely fear that he will try to do so and put everyone
to sleep in the process.
But that Athanasian
Creed, even if it gives you a headache with all its talk of Father uncreated,
Son uncreated, Holy Ghost uncreated, yet not three uncreated, tells us we ought
to be up to something quite different from thinking about a doctrine when we
consider the Holy and Undivided Trinity:
The Catholic faith is
this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity.
What Trinity Sunday is
about is worship. That is why the first two readings are about worship.
The prophet Isaiah seeing
the Lord high and lifted up on a throne with seraphim singing the Sanctus:
Holy, Holy, Holy
The book of Revelation
the twenty four elders before the throne singing
Worthy art thou, O Lord God, to receive glory and honor
and power
There are all kinds of
great things that you might do with a doctrine, think about it, divide it up
into parts and aspects, chronicle its history, consider its social and moral implications,
and so forth. We might even try to make intellectual sense out of a doctrine. There is not a thing wrong with this. Indeed it
is a necessary thing. But what would be really odd would be to worship a
When I was in seminary and my professors told me to read Liberation Theology, I read Dr. Eric Mascall instead. I understand that there was a professor of theology at Nashotah House who would not allow anyone to quote Mascall in their papers. I wondered, when I heard this, if the ban extended to Dr. Mascall's serious poetry like
There once was a clergyman named Sturges
Who wanted to start the Asperges
The congregation said "no"
They preferred to stay low
It's a very hard life is the clergy's'
The most attractive thing about E L Mascall was that he did not take himself too seriously. But he was completely serious when he wrote:
There once was a clergyman named Sturges
Who wanted to start the Asperges
The congregation said "no"
They preferred to stay low
It's a very hard life is the clergy's'
The most attractive thing about E L Mascall was that he did not take himself too seriously. But he was completely serious when he wrote:
Trinity is not primarily a doctrine, any more than the Incarnation is primarily
a doctrine. There is a doctrine about the Trinity, as there are
doctrines about many other facts of existence, but, if Christianity is true,
the Trinity is not a doctrine; the Trinity is God.
Faith seeks understanding to be sure – that is the kind of being
human beings are, we want to figure things out. But there is no guarantee that we will get it
and it is a sure thing that we will not get it all. For that very reason God
has come out of his hiding and revealed to us what we have to know. In fact
that is why we worship Him out of gratitude for His revelation of Himself.
Again Dr. Mascall:
fact that God is Trinity-that in
a profound and mysterious way there are three divine Persons eternally united
in one life of complete perfection and beatitude . . . is the secret of God's most intimate
life and being, into which, in his infinite love and generosity, he has admitted
us; it is therefore to be accepted with amazed and exultant gratitude.
In heaven a door stood
open, the Book of revelation says.
Jesus said:I am the door.
I say to you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and
did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
To which we might add
many philosophers as well as the guy who sits in his backyard looking up at
evening sky and wonders what it is all about.
But Jesus has let us in
on the biggest secret there is: his teaching, life, death and resurrection has
revealed to normal folks like us the mystery of the very life and being of God:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has
made him known.
The Trinity is the way
that Christendom affirms that other simple and mysterious dictum of St. John
the Divine: God is love.
The unmoved mover, the cause
of all causes and effects, the intelligence that built the universe, that than which nothing
is greater is a personal God, of unimaginable splendor, bliss, and love upon
whom the world and human beings depend for their existence from moment to
moment, three Persons, united in one life of perfect mutual giving and
receiving, a giving and receiving, a life of sharing so perfect and intense
that the most intimate of human unions bears only a remote and analogical
comparison to it.
'Blessed are the pure in
heart, for they shall see God" is the promise of Christ in the Beatitudes,
and that the end of man is the vision of God has been a commonplace of
Christian spirituality down the ages. We are made for this and this our
course we moderns are never content simply to know. We want to know 'so what?'.
blessed glorious Trinity,
Bones to philosophy, but milk to faith
Bones to philosophy, but milk to faith
God has not revealed
himself to us as Holy Trinity simply in order to satisfy our intellectual
curiosity or even in order that we shall simply gaze upon his transcendent
glory' and beauty in spellbound delight, but in order that we shall be taken up
into the very life of God himself.
not by conversion of the Godhead into
flesh; but by the taking of Manhood into God
As the Fathers
repeatedly insist, the Son of God became man that we men might become sons of
God, he took our nature that we might be taken into his, he has become what we
are that we may become what he is, he was humanized that we might be divinized;
and this nature into which we are taken.
The Catholic faith is this:
Meaning that the whole
of Christian faith is found in the willingness of man to fall down upon his
knees and, again in the words of John Doone, to have his heart battered by ‘the three-person’d
The Catholic faith is
this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity
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