Joan of Arc
for Vespers II
Vierge au coeur viril, patronne de la France: en supportant de cruels
supplices, vous reproduisez l'image du Christ. Docile aux voix d'en haut,
remplie de la lumiere de Jesus, les juges se taisent et tremblent tandis que
vous devoilez l'avenir de la patrie. Entouree de flammes, vous implorez Jesus,
et embrassant courageusement la croix, vous vous envolez vers lui, a l'instar
d'une colombe. Placee au milieu du choeur des vierges saintes, aidez vos
concitoyens, et, qu'a votre priere, chacun d'eux obtienne la couronne de
gloire. Louange soit au Pere, et au Fils, et honneur au saint Consolateur, qui
blesse les coeurs de son amour et augmente les forces de ceux qui languissent.
Ainsi soit-il.
virilis pectoris Virgo, Patrona Galliae! Tormenta dirasustinens, Christi refers
imaginem. Voces supernas audiens, Jesu repleta lumine, Dum fata pandis patriae,
Silent paventque judices.
Oppressa flammis, clamitas Jesum, crucemque fortiter Amplexa, ad Ipsum, simplicis Instar columbae, pervolas.
Choris beatis Virginum Adscripta, cives adjuva: Te deprecante, singulis Detur corona gloriae.
Sit laus Patri, sit Filio: Sancto decus Paraclito, Qui corda amore sauciat, Vires et auget languidis. Amen.
Oppressa flammis, clamitas Jesum, crucemque fortiter Amplexa, ad Ipsum, simplicis Instar columbae, pervolas.
Choris beatis Virginum Adscripta, cives adjuva: Te deprecante, singulis Detur corona gloriae.
Sit laus Patri, sit Filio: Sancto decus Paraclito, Qui corda amore sauciat, Vires et auget languidis. Amen.
Hail, virgin with a
brave heart, patron of France! In enduring those cruel tortures, you resemble
Christ's image. Obedient to the voices from above, full of the light of Christ,
the judges are silenced and trembling as you predict the future of the nation.
Oppressed by flames, you implore Jesus, and embracing the cross, you fly to him
like a dove. Placed amongst blessed virgins, and through your prayer, each one
obtains glory's crown. Praise to the Father, to the Son: honor to the Holy
Spirit, who makes hearts ache with his love, and strengthens the one who
grieves. Amen.
God, who in a wondrous
fashion didst bless Joan the Virgin that she might defend the faith and her
country: by her intercession, grant, we beseech thee, that thy Church may overcome the attacks
of her enemies, and enjoy perpetual peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who
liveth and reigneth with Thee and the
Holy Spirit, One God, world without end. Amen.
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