The mnemonic, which Fr Z gives, is intended to help us remember the times of the Ember Days throughout the year. More elegantly Fr Z cites “Fasting days and Emberings be / Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie.” Fish-eaters provides the Latin:
Sant Crux, Lucia, Cineres, Charismata Dia
Ut sit in angaria quarta sequens feria.
Ut sit in angaria quarta sequens feria.
Holy Cross, Lucy, Ash Wednesday, Pentecost,
are when the quarter holidays follow.
are when the quarter holidays follow.
Lucy, Ashes, Dove, and Cross.
In other words the Ember Days are the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after
the Third Sunday of Advent, the Frist Sunday of Lent, Pentecost Sunday and Holy
Cross Day, September 14th. The reference
to St. Lucy is that the Advent Ember Days cannot be celebrated until after St.
Lucy Day, December 13th.
The etymology of the word ‘Ember’ is disputed
but Dr. Neale’s account makes the most sense to me:
"The Latin name has
remained in modern languages, though the contrary is sometimes affirmed, Quatuor
Tempora, the Four Times. In French and Italian the term is the same; in
Spanish and Portuguese they are simply Temporas. The German converts
them into Quatember, and thence, by the easy corruption of dropping the
first syllable, a corruption which also takes place in some other words, we get
the English Ember. Thus, there is no occasion to seek after an etymology in
embers; or with Nelson, to extravagate still further to the noun ymbren,
a recurrence, as if all holy seasons did not equally recur. Ember-week in Wales is Welsh:
"Wythnos y cydgorian", meaning "the Week
of the Processions". In mediæval Germany they were called Weihfasten,
Wiegfastan, Wiegefasten, or the like, on the general principle of
their sanctity.... We meet with the term Frohnfasten, frohne
being the then word for travail. Why they were named foldfasten it is
less easy to say."
The original purpose of the Ember Days seems to
have been an anti-pagan offensive on the part of the Church. The ancient Romans sacrificed
to their deities in June, September and December to secure the success of the
harvest. Nothing dies harder than matters connected with food and commerce. So the Church added a Spring-Summer observance
and established these four quarters of the year as times of fasting, penitence,
prayer and processions.
The Ember Days were also deemed the proper time
for ordinations, indeed at one point the only time for ordinations. Hence arose
the custom of prayer for the clergy and vocations on the Ember Days.
The Ember Days are much neglected, but, if ever
we needed to counter pagan culture, it is now. The old ways of darkness are
much revived these days and the best antidote is the Old Religion.
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